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No. 48 - No subject |
Hello! Please be aware that GeoIP is turned on for this board - the location you post from will be displayed for each post. |
4 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 827 - No subject |
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No. 816 - Ru Filly |
Hoi! I got some Russian magazines and I adore everything, they never get boring. I just wish there'd be more translated special issues, because we only got Wedding Mermaids Greta one etc., never Filly Fun issues or Ice brands issues... and books were only ever activities for Princess Fairy Unicorn + Ice (Ice Unicorn + Ice Fairy combined) or mere 2 guidebooks for Princess and Unicorn, never more. Also I know it's inactive board, but just wanted to be a part of it somehow <3 |
0 replies 0 hides 0 followers |
No. 49 - Den nordiske ambassaden |
Selv om det er kanskje to personer i hele Filly-fanbasen som har skandinaviske røtter, er også de to allerede fast takst i prøvefasen til Fillychan-siden. Skulle de eller noen andre lure på noe som helst av noe slag som trenger å besvares på norsk, dansk eller engelsk (Min skriftlige svensk er tvilsom nok til at jeg er forsiktig med å bruke den), er jeg her. Selvfølgelig er finlandssvensker eller andre med språkkunnskaper velkommen. |
4 replies 3 hides 3 followers |
No. 559 - Miss Italia 2015 |
"Vorrei essere nata nel '42 per vedere la seconda guerra mondiale: ne parlano così tanto i libri, e tanto io sono donna e la guerra non la faccio!" "I would be born in the '42 to see the world war two: books speak very much of it, and I'm woman and I don't take part to the war!" Sure. And again. "Il mio personaggio storico preferito? Michael Jordan!" "My favourite historical character? Michael Jordan!" ç.ç I heard Garibaldi and Mazzini turns in her grave. |
0 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 268 - Filly italiane |
- Per i curiosi, la versione italiana delle Filly (dai pezzi che possiedo). Al momento trovo solo le Butterfly dove vivo io... - For curious, the italian version of Filly (from the pieces I have). Actually, I can find only Butterflies where I live... |
6 replies 2 hides 1 follower |
No. 107 - America Thread |
ITT: We feel sorry for those who don't know what it's like to have freedom. Fuck yeah! |
5 replies 4 hides 2 followers |