(unedited first impressions)
One of the problems I have with modern game industry is that I do not care about individual games. I care about individual game details, gameplay innovations, and these conferences virtually never show them.
This looks like a generic first person game. I can't even call it a shooter at this point.
Intense chase scene! Does it have any chance to kill you? That is the true question.
The fact that they keep cutting back to the stage makes it seem like they're unsure of their own product.
Why is this level so dark? Is it normal for Halo to be this dark? I've only played the first game, and it was pretty bright, even indoors.
This looks like that generic Call of Duty cinematic video game experience everyone was making fun of a few years ago.
Let's move on to another game.
Oh noes, a dog died.
Oh yays, it's instantly resolved. I didn't even get a chance to feel anything, especially because it was a robot.
Is this Recore thing a game or a movie?
Hooray, backward compatibility!
So wait, is it for selected titles only, or for all of them? Wii U works with literally all Wii games, how about this one?
Can I have an Xbox One Elite wired controller instead, please?
Fallout 4 allows to do "anything I want"? Can I start a My Little Pony fandom in Fallout 4?
Dialogues where you select phrases from pre-determined lines does not corelate with "anything you want". Need I remind you, in some old games you had to input your character's speech via keyboard, letter by letter.
Holy hell, it's a Patzerklein! I am now reminded that I'm the only person in the world who's played Silent Storm.
"Morrowind on Xbox" sounds painful. And not in a good sense, in literally painful sense.
"Let's push release dates forward for no reason unless they pay 5 dollars a month", says EA.
Stop bringing goddamn cars to the stage, Microsoft, you make your conference look like Satan's party from South Park.
It's a racing game, woo. Makes me want to play Hot Pursuit II. Or Most Wanted, if I'd like N2O to be involved.
Blood Souls?
Tough luck, it's Dark Souls' Creed. That is all.
You see, with Division I see that it's a video game. Not because they're showing video gamey stuff, no; because of subpar (in terms of CGi movies) graphics.
A public beta test of a multi-platform game on one console?
Wait, a Beta test on a console period? What???
And here comes my reminder that I don't automatically like everything that looks cartoony. Gigantic.
And here comes my reminder that I don't automatically like games that are indie!
Tacoma, winner of the worst teaser of the conference.
Beyond Eyes, an excuse to render as little scenery as possible.
If only I didn't abslutely hate old Disney animation style. Only then would Cuphead look interesting to me.
I feel completely emotionless after this Tomb Raider trailer. "Incredible. This is it" my ass.
"You'll never forget your first game" I actually don't remember my first game.
Sea of Thieves is so far the only game that seems alright.
Another Fable game. k
I hear Notch sob every time Mojang uses the "our" word when talking about Minecraft.
"You can see things underground without digging, because screw playing"
Another completely dark shooter game. Let's bet if this game has a gamma slider.
I can't see anything.
I still can't see anything.
I've been blinded